Jul 6, 2024
Prestige Estates: Constructing a Promising Portfolio
We closed our "Buy" recommendation on Prestige Estates as the stock reached our target price of 1417.

Company Overview
Prestige Estates Projects Limited, established in 1986, has evolved into a prominent real estate developer with a diverse portfolio encompassing residential, commercial, hospitality, and retail segments. The company has successfully completed over 250 projects, with a total developed area of more than 134 million square feet, solidifying its position as a leading entity in the South Indian real estate market. PEPL is actively expanding its presence in the North and West Indian markets while significantly enhancing its annuity portfolio.
Historical Performance
Sold 16.13 million square feet and 8,402 units, completing over 300 projects totaling 180 million square feet
81% increase in total sales, reaching INR 16,333 Cr in the first nine months of FY24
20% rise in collections, amounting to INR 8,478 Cr
19% growth in average realization per square foot, achieving INR 10,143
Key Drivers and Investment Thesis
Robust Launch Pipeline for FY25: PEPL plans to unveil projects covering approximately 32 million square feet (PEPL's share) by the end of FY25, targeting a Gross Development Value (GDV) of INR 42,000 Cr
Strong Surplus Cash Flow Projections: With pending receivables of around INR 18,800 Cr and unsold inventory worth approximately INR 16,200 Cr, PEPL anticipates generating a substantial surplus cash flow of about INR 14,200 Cr, considering the balance construction costs of INR 21,200 Cr
Expansion of Annuity Portfolio: PEPL continues to fortify its annuity portfolio, evidenced by the completion and operationalization of notable projects such as the Prestige Sky Tech office in Hyderabad and the Moxy hotel in Bengaluru
Market Dynamics and Strategic Diversification: The company is well-positioned to benefit from the revival in housing demand and potential market share gains amidst industry consolidation. PEPL's increasing geographical diversification and its diversified presence across residential, office, retail, and hospitality segments strategically mitigate the cyclical risks inherent in the real estate sector
Financial Analysis and Valuation
Adopting a Sum of The Parts (SOTP) valuation approach and factoring in a 15% premium to the Net Asset Value (NAV) of INR 1,232, we arrive at a target price of INR 1,417 for PEPL. This valuation suggests a promising 21% upside potential within the next 12-18 months.

We recommend a "Buy" rating for Prestige Estates Projects Limited, considering its strong market position, robust launch pipeline, and strategic diversification across various real estate segments. The company's focus on expanding its annuity portfolio and its ability to generate substantial surplus cash flows further strengthen its investment appeal.
Mool Capital Limited is a SEBI Registered Research Analyst having registration no. INH000012449. This report has been prepared by Mool Capital Pvt. Ltd. and is solely for information of the recipient only. The report must not be used as a singular basis of any investment decision. The views herein are of a general nature and do not consider the risk appetite or the particular circumstances of an individual investor; readers are requested to take professional advice before investing. This document is not, and should not, be construed as an offer or solicitation of an offer, to buy or sell any securities or other financial instruments. This report should not be construed as an invitation or solicitation to do business with Mool Capital. Mool Capital and its affiliated company(ies), their directors and employees may; (a) from time to time, have a long or short position in, and buy or sell the securities of the company(ies) mentioned herein or (b) be engaged in any other transaction involving such securities and earn brokerage or other compensation or act as a market maker in the financial instruments of the company(ies) discussed herein or act as an advisor or lender/borrower to such company(ies) or may have any other potential conflict of interests with respect to any recommendation and other related information and opinions.